

Day 1 Brainstorm

Tap into the students’ knowledge of the Progressive Era by leading a discussion/guided note-taking lesson on the board. By the end of the hour everything they know about the movement should be included in their notes.

Assignment: Which two interest you the most? One paragraph essay.

Day 2  Book Exploration

Students are given time to explore books and take notes. By the end of day 2 they should know which two reform movements they are going to write about.

*Classroom library, school library and public library books should be gathered on a book cart in the classroom for student-use.

Day 3 - 4 Continued book exploration

Students are given additional classroom time with books. At this time they should be taking notes and writing down bibliographic information.

Day 5 – 7 Internet Research

Using the Web Resources provided on this site, the students will continue to research and take notes on their topics and bibliographic information.

Day 8 Organize

Students will work on an outline or graphic organizer to follow when they write their papers. By this time they should be very familiar with their topics. Due date: day 9.

Day 9 Introduction

Teacher will read aloud (and put up on overhead/LCD) examples of expository comparison introductions. Use good and bad examples and discuss why the example is good or bad writing. It is preferable if the topics are not reform. 

Day 10 - 12 Body

Teacher passes back outlines/graphic organizers so students can work on the body of their papers. 
* Pass around sign-up sheet for adult reviews (Day 14-16)

Day 13 Conclusion

Teacher will read aloud (and put up on overhead/LCD) examples of expository comparison conclusions. Use good and bad examples and discuss why the examples are good or bad writing. It is preferable if the topics are not reform. 

Day 14 – 16 Adult Review

Conference with students one-on-one about their papers. Read for content, grammar, spelling and organization. While conferences are taking place, other students are expected to be working on their own papers, writing their second draft, or reading a book.

*Assignment due day 17: after adult review is completed a second draft of the paper needs to be written. It has to be on loose-leaf paper and written on every other line. This second draft will be used during the peer review and in the computer lab.

Day 17 – 18 Peer Review

Students trade papers with one other student in the class. They need to read for content, grammar, spelling and organization. Second draft should have visible written comments, suggestions and additions.

Day 19-21 Computer Lab

Students will type their papers using second draft re-writes. Papers, with complete bibliographies, are due at the end of the hour on day 21. Papers are collected via teacher drop box and graded electronically to conserve paper.